On the cutting edge of science. Developed by Dr. Gregory Bays Brown, plastic and reconstructive surgeon, RéVive™ is the only luxury, high-performance skin care line of its kind. The bioengineered Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) molecule is the key to RéVive™.
We believe that joy starts small: one idea, one cell, one molecule. But when research meets innovation, even the smallest cells have infinite potential.

When you're ready to upgrade your skin care regimen, ReVive is the epitome of luxury, high-performance beauty technology for those looking to restore and maintain a youthful glow.
With degrees from Harvard and the University of Louisville, RéVive founder Dr Gregory Bays Brown has dedicated his career to the science of skincare. As a fellow in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Emory University, he learned that Nobel Prize-winning Epidermal Growth Factor technology could accelerate healing in burns victims. Then, years later, he discovered that the same very technology could be used to mimic the renewal process of healthy skin and diminish the signs of ageing. Just like that, RéVive was born.